Emmerdale- Ruby Cause Chaos During Lunch With Moira, Cain, Nate, Caleb and Tracy (2nd February 2024)

Transcripción del episodio de Emmerdale del 2 de febrero de 2024:


**Moira:** Come on through. I’ll get you a drink. That’s going down.


**Tracy:** Well, all right, Judy. Julie, I’m not the only one now. Shush, open another one.

**Chaz:** Hey, Chaz, get off.

**Tracy:** Okay, yeah. Oh, poor Chaz. She deserves to have an amazing time.

**Caleb:** Is anyone else in the family going through a tough time? I’d love to help if I can.

**Moira:** Everyone else is fine. Well, that’s a relief. Although, saying that, I might pickle everyone’s liver with the amount of booze I’ve bought.

**Nate:** You got that wine, darling?

**Moira:** Yes, yes.

**Moira:** Glad you both came.

**Nate:** Is it going all right?

**Caleb:** I’m driving later. I’ll just have a water, thanks.

**Nate:** Okay.

**Tracy:** Be right. Well, everyone’s got work to get to, so let’s eat. Kane, you are here next to me. I want to be the filling in a brother sandwich. So, you and I can swap. Caleb, secrets. Maya, you’re here. Tracy, sweetheart. Bear. And, Nate, perfect.

**Moira:** This looks great. I’m starving. Thank you, Nate.

**Moira:** Just before we eat, could everyone please join me in thanking the Lord, saying the Lord’s Prayer?

**Caleb:** She does this every time. She thinks she’s hilarious.

**Chaz:** I am hilarious. And sinker.

**Nate:** Yeah, so that’s why you call him Smiler. Cute, right?

**Tracy:** Right, then. Need more for anyone?

**Tracy:** Oh, not for me, thanks.

**Caleb:** Where’s Nikki?

**Nate:** Oh, yeah, he got caught up in something. On his underpants, probably.

**Tracy:** Nate, you have licked that plate clean.

**Nate:** Sorry.

**Caleb:** Oh, shh. I love a man with a good appetite.

**Moira:** Eat up, Moira.

**Nate:** No, I’ve had enough, thanks.

**Caleb:** Cain will eat it, though. Don’t you, Cain? You love delis.

**Nate:** Del face.

**Moira:** I thought you ordered in. We normally have a done bar.

**Caleb:** But usually after a couple of pints. I spent hours on this. Thank you.

**Nate:** Wow, my culinary skills must have slipped if I’m being compared to a greasy late-night takeaway.

**Moira:** Then I suppose I’ve not had much chance to entertain recently, having been abandoned in the wilderness. No friends, no family. We are getting divorced. I know, w– I just forget when we do things like this because we work so well together.

**Tracy:** Jo and Moira work well together?

**Caleb:** Yeah, they do all right.

**Nate:** Well, that’s a ringing endorsement for marriage.

**Ruby:** What about you, Nate? Do you and Tracy do all right?

**Nate:** Yeah, we do well. We make a good team, you know? Bring out the best in each other.

**Ruby:** We like equals.

**Moira:** And I don’t know what love is if it’s not about that.

**Ruby:** Then it must be very forgiving.

**Tracy:** Why? Well, to be able to move past his affair.

**Ruby:** It wasn’t an affair. And how do you know about that?

**Moira:** Oh, don’t look at Caleb. He never tells me anything interesting.

**Caleb:** Must have given you trust issues, though.

**Nate:** That’s really got nothing to do with you.

**Ruby:** Maybe you should cut back on the wine, eh?

**Moira:** No, allowed to talk about affairs before five, wasn’t he?

**Ruby:** So drop it, Ruby. Listen to one.

**Tracy:** So, I can’t ask who is better in bed either?

**Nate:** Sorry, what?

**Tracy:** Well, who satisfied you more, Kane or his son?

**Cain:** I’m sorry, Nate. Sure you got some moves, but my money’s on Kane.

**Ruby:** Sit down. I’m only messing with you.

**Nikki:** Sorry, I’m late. There’s no need to stand on my arrival.

**Tracy:** I didn’t realize these were all secrets. Nikki said everyone knew about the affairs.

**Moira:** Thanks, mate. Yeah, thanks for that. I’m so sorry. That’s–I need to apologize, darling. Honesty is always the best policy. I’d say sorry if I were you.

**Nate:** Well, I’m sorry that I won’t be saying sorry for something that was clearly a joke, Ruby.

**Ruby:** Do you know what is a joke? You purposely trying to push our buttons, and we have done nothing at all to you. Nothing. So, I’ve got no idea why you’re bringing up old gossip just to annoy us. I’m sorry, could you say that again, please? When you get upset, I find it difficult to understand you. I’m so bad with accents.

**Tracy:** Well, that’s rich. You seem to understand your Jordie son well enough.

**Moira:** Nothing controls me.

**Tracy:** I think I’ll believe in you, too. I’d like to say this was fun, but it wasn’t. So sensitive these days.

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